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Al Saikali

Al Saikali

Al Saikali is a Chambers-ranked lawyer specializing in privacy and data security law. He represents companies in minimizing the risks associated with the collection, use, storage, and security of personal information. In addition to chairing Shook, Hardy & Bacon’s Privacy and Data Security practice, he founded and chairs the Sedona Conference’s Working Group on Privacy and Data Security, and co-chairs the American Bar Association’s Cybersecurity Law Institute. He is one of less than 5% of privacy practitioners who holds the Fellow in Privacy designation, accredited by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. He has won the Lexology Client Choice award in technology law the last two years in a row and was named a “Trailblazer in Cybersecurity” by the National Law Journal in 2015. In his spare time, Al is an Adjunct Professor of Cybersecurity Law at Saint Thomas University, and he maintains a blog (Data Security Law Journal) where he writes about emerging trends and issues in privacy and data security law. Al has been quoted by the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and Law360 for his thoughts on privacy and data security legal trends.

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Guest Appearances
November 6, 2018

What Lawyers Need to Know about Cybersecurity

Al Saikali talks about how lawyers should prepare their firms for different types of cybersecurity threats.

September 30, 2016

No Law Firm is Too Small for Cyber Security

Al Saikali talks about helping lawyers assess their security risk and why cyber security is important even for the smallest firms.