Prepare to be a Guest on Our Podcasts

Pre-Show || Your Equipment || Special Recording Software || Your Environment || Share Your Bio || Promote Your Episode

Thank you for being a guest on one of our shows! We’re looking forward to working together to share your knowledge and research with our listeners. Here are some tips to have an efficient recording experience and help us promote the episode well.


You should have received a meeting invite with a Zoom link enclosed through which you can connect to the recording. If not, please email our Scheduler: [email protected].

Your Equipment:

  • Please have headphones ready.
    • When it comes to selecting gear to use, wired is better than wireless.  If you have a pair of wired headphones, they provide better sound quality compared to bluetooth headphones.
  • Please plan to record through your computer or laptop, so it should be connected to the internet and able to reliably run software like Zoom.
    • Some law firms and government offices don’t allow their equipment to record so you might need to check with your IT team in advance, plan to record outside of your office or be ready with an alternate machine.
  • Check that your computer or laptop has a microphone. We’ll help you test it if you’re not sure.

We’re happy to help work with you to make sure you’re sounding your best.  We can briefly connect with you ahead of time if you’d like, or you can join 5-10 minutes prior to your session and we’ll help you out.

Special Recording Software:

We can record through Zoom, but it’s not ideal. So we ask our guests to help us ensure we get great audio.  Please follow the instructions below to download a simple recording tool so we have an additional copy of the conversation. If you like, we can help you set this up ahead of time. 

  • The best microphone option is an external microphone, if you have one.
  • If you don’t have an external microphone, then you can join the recording via a computer and an app called TalkSync you can download on your smartphone. Download here:
  • TalkSync requires no sign in, log in or even requires you to open the app until the time of our recording. 
  • If you’re willing, please download the app ahead of time as we may use it to help us capture the best sound possible.
  • Also, attached to this email is a guide to getting the best audio via TalkSync. [[this might be all the images]]

If neither recording via TalkSync nor through your computer, we can use our backup and record your computer or smartphone via Zoom. 

Please let us know how you intend to connect for the recording and what audio gear you have at your disposal.

Your Environment:

  • Try to ensure you’re in a quiet environment as possible during our recording.  These things make a surprising amount of noise. Chances are, our engineers can hear it all. 
    • air conditioning
    • fans
    • squeaky chairs
    • windows overlooking busy roads
    • spacious rooms with hard, reflective surfaces – big rooms tend to create echoes in your track. A smaller room with leather or soft furniture tends to perform best.
    • washing machines or water running in adjacent rooms 
    • Pounding on desktops for emphasis
    • Chewing gum

If you have any questions or concerns, let us know [[add contact info!]].  The Legal Talk Network team is happy to assist.

Share Your Bio:

  • link to the Guest Directory page for reference
  • As a guest on a Legal Talk Network show, you’ll get a photo and bio. Click here to see how other guests are portrayed in our Guest Directory.
  • It would save us a lot of time and will likely be more current if you wanted to share some of your info here: [[I can add a form here]]
    • their social handles
    • upload image (offer specs)
    • paste in their Bio Description (max 1000 characters)
    • links to their company website, research, anything that might make its way into the show notes
  • Saves us time and makes sure we get it right
  • This could also add them to the Show’s RSS email feed via MailChimp [[will double-check with Jeremy, we’ll add disclaimer language]]

Promote Your Episode:

  • when you see that the episode is released (because we signed you up to get the episode alert email), do this and that and the other thing with social
  • [[Paige]], you have a few items to add here

[[Ask Jeremy for a Go To Top link/button, need a special class]]