Branding Guide, Logo Usage & Cover Art Specs

On this page you will find the Legal Talk Network logos and specification you need to create cover art for a podcast. We also provide a .psd template to help get you started. Contact us if you have any questions and make sure to reference the iTunes cover art requirements linked from this page.

Single line logo

Downloads: PNG | small .jpg | .psd


Double line logo

Downloads: color .png | blue mic + white text .png | small color .jpg | color .psd


Triple line logo

Downloads: color .png | white .png |


Cover Art Specs

When designing cover art for Legal Talk Network podcasts, the following iTunes cover art requirements should be referenced. It should also be understood that while the final cover art will be relatively large in size (3000 x 3000 pixels), they are quite often viewed with much smaller dimensions, so the visual elements should scale accordingly and be legible at these smaller sizes.

Cover Art Sample

Final cover art specs:

  • 3000 x 3000 pixels (unless otherwise specified)
  • 72 dpi
  • .jpeg or .png

Logo usage on cover art:

  • the “stacked” version of our logo must be used (see sample art above)
  • logo can either a) be monochrome based on the color palate of the show, or b) use the blue microphone and white font
  • download the stacked logo here (.zip)
  • logo size: 20.85″ x 4.82″ (px: 1501.36 x 347.19)
  • logo placement
    – from right margin: 1.79″ (px: 128.58)
    – from bottom margin: 1.35″ (px: 96.43)
  • logo bar height: 7.29″ (px: 524.58) – if included

Cover art template
Feel free to download and use this psd template for proper dimensions, logo orientation, etc.


Download .psd here.