Digital Edge hosts Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway, and Digital Detectives co-host John Simeck will be retiring from podcasting at the end of 2023 after 16 years behind the microphone helping lawyers manage their practices and mitigate data risks for clients.

Legal Talk Network is honored to have worked with them for so many years. Comments from listeners would really help them know that their work and insights informed and benefited others.

Please take a moment to share a story of how the helped your practice, wish them well, and stay in touch.

Bon Voyage!

Thanks for your good wishes. We’ll collect these and send them over to Jim, Sharon, and John for you.
In the meantime, please enjoy their recent episodes of The Digital Edge and Digital Detectives.

The Digital Edge

ABA TECHSHOW 2024 – A Preview from the Co-Chairs

Digital Detectives

10 Startling Cybersecurity Statistics and What They Mean for the Future of Law Firms