Cultivating Exceptional Client Relationships

Law firms have been working toward client-focused approaches in running their businesses for many years, and we’ve seen time and again that keeping the client experience top of mind makes law firms more profitable. It can be broken down like this: Keeping your client in mind as you create workflows, refine communication, and handle your cases makes your client happy—because they’re getting a great customer experience—and makes your work more successful—because happy clients pay their bills and send more business your way. 

Additionally, customer experiences can be tailored to the people you want to serve. The huge variety in all areas of the law creates endless possibilities for crafting a unique experience that effectively serves your target clients. Here are four podcast episodes to help you understand the basics of customer relationship management (CRM) and explore ways other attorneys have created client experiences that align with the goals of their practice. 

Learn The Foundations of Good CRM

Many who have gone through the law school and endured the rigors of the bar exam are later surprised to find that they feel unprepared for the business and customer service side of legal practice. You’re not alone, and it’s never too late to learn more.

In the LHLM 101 series, Gyi Tsakalakis and Conrad Saam give listeners an entry-level understanding of essential law firm practices, and the guys focused one of these episodes entirely on CRM. With today’s technology, it’s easier than ever to provide an excellent client experience from intake all the way to the end of a matter. Gyi and Conrad explain the many ways of customizing CRM software to meet your needs. And, the good thing is, this software is affordable for any lawyer from solo practice to Big Law. Listen in to Lunch Hour Legal Marketing for more:

For more perspectives on foundational CRM, take a listen to Christopher Anderson and Pegeen Turner’s conversation at Clio Cloud Conference in October 2023. Pegeen, president of tech firm Legal Cloud Technology, digs into the concept of the client-centered law firm, reviewing simple intake, matter management, calendars, billing, and more. 


Create an Empathetic Client Experience

No matter the area of law, any and all firms can find ways to meaningfully connect with clients. Part of a good client experience is a mindfulness of the overarching path from beginning to end of a legal matter. What made your client reach out to you? What should their first contact with you look like? How can you best care for them along the way? These important questions can help you consider the experience your client needs. 

In a recent Lawyerist podcast, Kirk Simoneau, a trial attorney and owner at Red Sneaker Law, shared how a personal tragedy led him to enter the legal profession to help others in the midst of suffering. Host and Lawyerist Lab coach Sara Muender talks with Kirk about his passion for customizing client experiences in order to take individual perspectives and unique needs into account. Kirk highlights the fact that people in need of a lawyer are often in a very vulnerable state, and offering them a compassionate client experience can make all the difference as they navigate their legal matters. 

The client’s trauma started the moment their problem began, and Kirk points out—“…the client experience starts with the drunk driver who runs the red light. It starts with the boss who makes the inappropriate comment.” Lawyers need to take that trauma into account, even in the intake process. Listen to the full episode for more:


Serve Underrepresented Clients

There are large populations within our communities with unmet needs for legal services, frequently due to some type of barrier—language, economic, geographic, and more. Access to justice has long been problematic within our legal systems, but many attorneys are searching for ways to provide legal services to previously underserved people. 

The Spanish-speaking market is currently the fastest growing segment in the United States, but it still has little access to legal services in many areas. UnBillable Hour host Christopher Anderson recently chatted with Hugo Gomez, founder of the bilingual digital legal marketing firm Abogados Now, about strategies for gaining an understanding of other cultures and connecting with new clients. Hugo explains ways to leverage marketing and cultural commitment to help lawyers be aware of the needs of their community and provide legal services to a whole new segment of the population. Learn more in the podcast:


You Can Be Endlessly Creative With Your Client Experience

What type of experience do you want your clients to have? Across the board, we’ve seen that clients just want to be heard and understood. Find more creative ways to connect with clients by perusing the Legal Talk Network Practice Management Archive.

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Cari Lockwood
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Cari Lockwood is a freelance content writer for Legal Talk Network.