Clio’s Legal Trends Report Minute

If you can spare a minute, you can immediately make more money practicing law. If that sounds too good to be true, allow me a moment to curry favor…  Inspired by their annual Legal Trends Report, we’ve partnered up with Clio to produce short podcast segments chock-full of digestible bites designed to turbo-charge your law practice instantly. In a minute or less, we delve into what factors separate profitable practices from those struggling to survive.

Legal Trends Report

Long term growth is about small things done consistently over time. From technology that increases billables to crafting that ideal client experience, we distill the nitty gritty and dish it out to your ear in 60 seconds or less. Getting curious? If so, join us for the next installment of the ‘Clio Legal Trends Report Minute’ now being featured in these select shows: 

Legal Toolkit

Team Coco; An Insider’s View on Great CLEs; and “Course Correction”

Lunch Hour Legal Marketing

Your Law Firm’s Intake Needs You || Legal Marketing LARPing: Level Up Your SEO

New Solo

HIPAA Happens, But Compliance Software Can Help

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After receiving his J.D. and MBA, Laurence Colletti went into solo practice with emphasis in general business and commercial real estate. He has always carried a strong passion for web-based media with a particular interest in podcasting and video. Laurence leverages his legal background against that passion to help bring sophisticated, relevant content to Legal Talk Network podcasts. You can follow Laurence on Twitter at @LaurenceEsq.