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Santa in the House | Best Books to Read | Recapping 2020’s Top Tech Advances

Show hosts spent the last days of 2020 reviewing a year that was deadly, tumultuous, and at the same time threaded with bursts of innovation and layers of human kindness. And an extra special guest appeared to focus on the latter two. 

First, the news…

Firms gave bonuses. One U.S. senator moves to block legislation that would increase physical and data privacy protections for federal judges. These are two top stories discussed on Thinking Like a Lawyer

Above the Law’s Joe Patrice and Kathryn Rubino talk about the New York Times Style article in support of second chances for legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. Patrice’s rebuttal is here. They close with the latest barpocalypse development, with California flagging a third of test-takers as possible cheaters.

Above the Law - Thinking Like a Lawyer

No Second ‘Chances’

Santa on IP, Contracts, Elf Diet, and Alexa

Speaking of knowing when you’ve been cheating, specifically whether you’ve been naughty or nice, Legal Talk Today hosted a very special guest. Santa Claus joined host Laurence Colletti, this writer, and Legal Toolkit host Jared Correa for an unforgettable holiday episode. Santa showcased his in-depth knowledge of intellectual property law, contracts, and pivoting to video via Santa Claus Calls during the pandemic.

Legal Talk Today

Santa Claus!

Best Books to Escape and Recharge

In this Modern Law Library year-ender, reporters and editors from the ABA Journal share the books they read (or listened to), enjoyed, and can recommend from 2020. Host Lee Rawles leads a discussion of comfort books such as Little House on the Prairie and Andre Agassi’s autobiography Open as a substitute for live sporting events. The group dives into heavier reading, and also notes favorite podcasts. They close with previews of wish-list books and listens for 2021.

ABA Journal: Modern Law Library

Our favorite reads from 2020

Recapping 2020, a Year of Tech Adoption and Workers Comp Handwringing

On The Kennedy-Mighell Report, hosts Dennis Kennedy and Thom Mighell connect with Debbie Foster to review Covid-19’s impact on legal, especially with tech adoption and access to justice. They debate whether a return back to “normal” will erase much of the tech progress.

Kennedy-Mighell Report

Pardon the Interruption: 2020 Edition

On Workers Comp Matters, host Alan Pierce and Prof. Emily Spieler review early Covid-19 fears that a spike in illness claims would crush workers’ compensation systems. When those claims didn’t materialize at an alarming rate, the spotlight revealed other systemic issues that Pierce and Spieler say might create strain in 2021.

Workers Comp Matters

The Year that Was in Workers Comp

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Molly McDonough
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Molly McDonough, a longtime legal affairs journalist, is a producer for the current events show "Legal Talk Today." She also is a media and content strategist with McDonough Media LLC. McDonough previously served as editor and publisher of the ABA’s flagship magazine, the "ABA Journal." She writes about access to justice at "A Just Society."