How to Listen to a Podcast

how to listen to a podcast - Legal Talk Network
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How to Listen to a Podcast on an iPhone

Step 1: Open the Podcasts app on your Apple Device.

Step 2: Browse featured podcasts or click on the search option and type in the name of the podcast you want to listen to.

Step 3: Once you find the show you are looking for, you can select an episode from the list and hit play, or click subscribe to automatically download new episodes of that podcast.

How to Listen to a Podcast on an Android

Step 1: Open the Google Play Music app on your Android device.

Step 2: Click on the search bar and type in the name of the podcast you would like to listen to.

Step 3: Once you find the show you are looking for, you can select an episode from the list and hit play, or click subscribe to automatically download new episodes of that podcast.

How to Download a Podcast App

Step 1: Open the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android)

Step 2: Search for the company, network, or podcast you would like to download. Remember, not all individual podcasts will have their own app, most are network-based.

Step 3: Once you’ve located the app, click download.

You can download the Legal Talk Network apps by clicking here: Android | iPhone.

Other Ways to Listen to a Podcast

Other Podcast Apps

Other podcast apps for iPhone users:

  • PodCruncher
  • Overcast
  • Pocket Cast
  • Downcast
  • Podbean
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • Stitcher Radio
  • RSSRadio
  • iCatcher!

Other podcast apps for Android users:

  • Pocket Cast
  • Podcast Addict
  • Podcast Republic
  • Podcast App
  • Podbean
  • Podcast Player Free
  • Spotify
  • Stitcher
  • SoundCloud
  • iHeart Radio
  • Podcast One

Podcast Hosting Websites

  • iHeart Radio
  • Soundcloud
  • Stitcher

RSS Readers

  • Digg Reader
  • Feedly
  • Flipboard

Podcast Website

Visit the podcast’s website to search for it in Google to listen online.

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