Featured Guests
Althea Cullen

Althea Cullen is the Special Report assistant attorney general at the Oregon Department of Justice. She served...

Brian G. Soublet

Brian G. Soublet is the deputy director and chief counsel for the California Department of Motor Vehicles....

Kit Walsh

Kit Walsh is a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. She received her Bachelor of Science...

Hsiao (Mark) Mao

Hsiao (Mark) Mao is partner in the cybersecurity, information governance and privacy and business litigation practices of...

Anthony J. Majestro

Anthony J. Majestro is partner at Powell & Majestro P.L.L.C. He received his Bachelor of Science in...

Your Host
Laurence Colletti

Laurence Colletti serves as the producer at Legal Talk Network where he combines his passion for web-based...

This Episode
Published: March 1, 2016
Podcast: On the Road
Category: News & Current Events

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