Tom Mighell has been at the front lines of technology development since joining Cowles & Thompson, P.C....
Dennis Kennedy is an award-winning leader in applying the Internet and technology to law practice. A published...
Published: | July 4, 2014 |
Podcast: | Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Category: | Legal Technology , Practice Management |
Do you often do fresh searches on the same topics even though you’ve previously found good information? “Curation” is the word used to describe the process of collecting, organizing, and using good information you’ve found when you need it. Some people also think of this approach as personal knowledge management. This means having an archive of reasonably up-to-date and interesting information from various sources that can be accessed and used for a legal article, podcast, blog post, or social media presence. Knowledge management is a form of information organization that has caught on widely in larger law firms, but has not had as much traction with lawyers in smaller practices or solos. These small-practice lawyers can use tools like Evernote to create a platform for their own personal knowledge management.
In this episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss curation and personal knowledge management including tools and techniques, ways to improve success, common difficulties, and their own personal experiences. They describe the three important aspects involved in sustaining a successful knowledge management system: collecting the information in one place, organizing it for later access, and using the collected information for legal clients or marketing when it might apply. While Kennedy and Mighell prefer Evernote as an organizational tool, there are many other options including Excel Spreadsheets, bookmarks, Instapaper, Pocket, Readability, or using PDF files. Their suggestions for curation and long-term knowledge management involve finding the right tool, designing systems around personal habits, and mentally focusing on long-term success.
In the second part of the podcast, Kennedy and Mighell review the announcements made at the 2014 Google I/O conference including smart watches, Android TV, a “kill switch,” for smartphones and many others. They also comment on a couple of hot topic items that were avoided in the conference’s keynote speech. As always, stay tuned for Parting Shots, that one tip, website, or observation that you can use the second the podcast ends.
Special thanks to our sponsor, ServeNow.
Dennis Kennedy: Welcome to episode 130 of the Kennedy-Mighell Report. I’m Dennis Kennedy in St. Louis.
Tom Mighell: I’m Tom Mighell in Dallas.
Dennis Kennedy: In our last episode, we talked about Evernote, the great information collecting and organizing tool. In this episode, we wanted to follow up that episode with a discussion of the broader topic of collecting, organizing, and, for me, most importantly, later using information and some of our own good and bad approaches to that. Tom, what’s on our agenda for this episode?
Tom Mighell: Dennis, in this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report, we’ll be talking about curation and, I guess something we’ve talked about on the podcast before but it’s been a while, personal knowledge management. In our second segment, we’ll talk about the huge number of announcements and a couple of notable non-announcements that were made at the recent Google Developer Conference. As usual, we’ll finish up with our parting shots, that one-tip website or observation that you can start to use the second that this podcast is over.
Let’s start with our main topic, our first segment, and that is curation of information. I think of curation as taking a body of knowledge and preserving it and making sure that it’s kept up to date. Something that you can reference later if you need it or if other people need it.
Personal knowledge management is something I know we’ve talked about at least once or twice on the podcast over the years. Not really a new topic. We’ve been talking about knowledge management for lawyers and law firms for a long time. When I first got into legal technology in the early 2000s, law firm knowledge management was a big hot topic at that point in time. Although I would say that it’s really only caught on in bigger law firms. I think that lawyers in smaller, medium-sized, and solo firms don’t really pay a lot of attention to it.
I think in this episode, we wanted to discuss the more personal aspect of knowledge management, how you collect and manage the information that you find and read and want to keep for later to use, whether you’re using it for social media or using it for reference or for other matters.
Dennis, is there anything new under the sun on this topic that made you think about it?
Dennis Kennedy: That’s a great question, whether there is anything new or whether we’re just taking another crack at the same issues and the same dilemmas that we have. What got me thinking about this was a podcast series on the lede, that’s L-E-D-E podcast from Copyblogger about curation and how authors might handle information. That got me thinking about personal knowledge management. Curation is that, as you described, Thomas, is a way of organizing things. People tend to use it these days as something that you put out and make available to other people.
Personal knowledge management, I think in terms of what do I do for myself when it comes to collecting, organizing, and using information. I might or might not share that. That might be a useful distinction.
Whether there’s anything new, I’m not sure. I went back and I looked at an article I wrote, it was ten years ago, on personal knowledge management. It was describing what I was looking for and how the tools frustrated me and how I’d started out with good intentions and got myself into a mess. When we talked in the last episode about Evernote, I see it as the next step for me to overcome the most recent mess I’ve created as I’ve tried to come up with a personal knowledge management system. That got me to the topic, Tom.
Tom Mighell: You had mentioned the Copyblogger podcast series, and I went and listened to it. I thought it was very interesting that they took a different approach to the idea of curation. When I think of curation, I think of, the image in my mind is the museum curator who, back in the back, has got all this great stuff that they want to show to the public. They got to make sure that it’s kept in good condition, that it’s not too old, nothing happens to it. Then they take it out and show it when it’s useful. They bring it back in and do things.
I think the same thing with regard to the information that we might have that we want to share with our blog readers, primarily on blogs, or websites, things like that. They really think about curation as really just pushing information out to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, just pushing links out is what it felt like. That was something they also considered curation. I’m really not sure. I think about that when I think about curation.
Although I do think that curation also applies to personal knowledge management because collecting the types of information that you have for whatever reason you’re collecting it, whether it’s for podcast ideas or blog ideas or whether it’s reference work that you’re going to want to keep back for work, for the job that you do, you’re going to need to go into it occasionally and make sure that it’s still up to date and make sure that stuff in there is not old.
I’ve got that problem right now with a lot of my old E-Discovery articles from back in 2008. Things have changed tremendously in six years. A lot of those articles really don’t make sense for me to have. That’s why I think that it’s an important topic because it’s a matter not of just how did you get into it, how do you do it, and what are the right tools, but how do you keep it going? How do you sustain it? It’s not an easy process, which is probably why we find people using it and doing it so rarely these days.
Dennis Kennedy: It’s something that we all do with differing levels of success. We all have some kind of system. It may be something that, on reflection, embarrasses us. I think it does come down to three things that I really focus being important. I think we tend to do better jobs at some of these than others. There’s a collection notion, which is saying, I run across all these great things. I have ideas. I find web things, blog posts, contact information. All this sort of stuff that’s potentially useful to me that I can collect. I find it in different places. I like to get it into one place where I can deal with it. I think that people tend to do a decent job of that, but there’s always room for improvement. That’s the collection side.
The organization side, I don’t know. For me, it’s almost I’m relying on search these days because I don’t do a great job of organization. We can talk a little bit about that, Tom, because I think there are just, actually some structural issues about organizing and categorizing that can make this really difficult.
Then I think the big one that really differentiates the people that are successful from those who aren’t is can you use what you’ve collected and organized at the time you need it. Not just put your hands on it, but can you actually use it and turn it into something, whether that’s an article, a podcast, or other things like that. That’s my three part approach to that.
Tom, does that seem about right to you?
Tom Mighell: It does. I agree, and I agree that the reuse part is easily the hardest part. I will say that the system that I happen to use- I guess maybe if I had to glom on a fourth part to that, it would be that curation. It would be that maintaining and keeping it up to date because I find that I keep things forever in this knowledge management system, which is against what I do in other areas with email or with other documents or things like that. I tend to use my knowledge management system as a never-ending file cabinet that I don’t go into. I think that’s a problem as well because you wind up having a lot of stuff in there that really doesn’t belong.
I think that the reuse part really is very interesting because I put the things in there with the intent of I’m going to go back when I have these issues come up at work, and I’m going to do a search and I want to find these things. I never do it. That’s really the biggest problem for me is I just don’t remember to go back to my knowledge bank and remember that I actually have something to go through.
I thought this may be not a good topic to move off to, but when I reread your article from ten years ago, I was surprised at how- I hate to call prescient, lest you get a big head, but the fact that the factors and the criteria that you were looking for in a tool back then are still, I think, surprisingly relevant today. I think that everything still applies.
If I’m recommending a tool for someone to use for their personal knowledge management, total ease of entry is going to be the first thing. Multiple platforms. Making sure you can get to it on a mobile device. Make sure you can capture it very easily. Make sure there’s a way to assign categories to something so that you can divide it up; it’s not just one big inbox that you’re putting it into.
Search, like you said, you’re using search, but I think that’s not a bad thing. I think that being able to index that information and search it is really what’s going to be important. One of the things I know we’ll talk about a little bit later is assigning keywords, tagging things, because it’s not just enough to put things into categories. You sometimes need something that’s a little bit more granular. I know we’ll probably talk about that in a little bit.
A time stamp was another one of your criteria. I think that’s tremendously important to know when that came in so you know when it’s over. A way to browse. A way to see related items. Then an easy way to get the information out.
What was interesting was that I compared this against the tool that I use primarily for my personal knowledge management, that’s Evernote, and it meets almost every single one of those criteria, if not all of them. I’m going to struggle during this segment to not become just the poster child for Evernote in talking about it. It is the tool I use, and it is a tool that works well for me.
I feel like I’ve got the tool right, but I don’t know that the system really works for me well, and that’s really a discipline thing on my part. What is it that’s not working for your system, Dennis?
Dennis Kennedy: I think that I like the idea of focusing on Evernote because that’s what made me really start to rethink. Then when we did the last podcast, I started to rethink it some more. I just think what I’m doing is so scattered. I was relying a lot on Google Reader which went away. I sometimes collect bookmarks. I’ll grab other things. I have lots of great things in podcasts that I listen to. I don’t really have any good way of keeping those and certainly nothing that would be useful in the way say audio clips would be. That just seems like an impossible thing to do, although that could be useful.
I think it’s the scattered approach. The idea to bring it into once place. I think that Evernote, with all of the features that it has and that metaphor of the notebooks and being able to put things in there, like you said, to tag, to do those other things, that’s what made me feel that, if I’m going to rethink and redo, this is the thing I want to try at this stage. Although I think that when I go back to my earlier approach to personal KM, I think why it might seem solid to you, Tom, is that I put my heart on my sleeve in that, saying this is what I really want because I saw what I needed to do.
You and I have similar things that we’re doing. Blogging, podcasting, books, in addition to the work we do and all of that. That’s one piece of it. I think there’s a notion, as you said, though. Tool is one thing because there’s probably a lot of tools that can accomplish something for you. We all know the lawyers who had three-ring binders and file folders of stuff.
Then the system, sometimes that’s a black hole. You put stuff in, and you don’t get it out. I always find that if I have a system and I go to write an article and I’m using Google and on the Internet trying to find information. Then after I’m done writing it, I remember, I collected all this stuff at some point. I forget to go back to that. That’s, to me, a sign of a failed system.
That’s why I’m starting to rethink and put more in the context of what- This goes back to jobs to be done, but what am I hiring this personal KM system to do? What are the things I actually use what I collect for?
Tom Mighell: I think you’re right. I think one of the things we want to, or at least I want to emphasize during this podcast is you use the tool that works for you. If you have to do that hiring interview and say what have I hired you for. If that tool works, then it works for you. I know a lot of people use bookmarks as a personal KM tool. There was somebody on the podcast that we’d mentioned, and we’ll put in the links, who uses Excel spreadsheets almost exclusively for their personal knowledge management and raves about it. About how efficient it is and how easy it is to sort information and search for it.
I know that over the past couple of years, some of the reading tools like Instapaper and Pocket and Readability have started to develop themselves as personal KM tools, allowing you to save documents and tag them and put them in folders.
We certainly would, if we’re talking about Evernote, we certainly would be remiss not to talk about OneNote, which is, I think, another very good tool for capturing information. I remember, it’s been, I don’t know, how long has it been, Dennis, since one of your systems for personal KM was essentially PDF-ing the websites and articles that you liked and keeping them all on a drive. I know that at one point in time was the system that you used.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, my personal Internet. Unfortunately, that dead exercise got done, which is actually a selling point, I think, on the Instapaper and other services like that because part of the thing when you’re just printing to PDF was that, as anybody who prints anything from the Internet knows, you don’t always get what you think you’re going to get on what printed out. You end up with this huge mess of things, but it’s searchable. It’s in PDFs and there’s some benefits to that. That didn’t work for me, so this is an area where I have a bunch of failures that hopefully have helped me for the next time.
There are any number of tools. I could see a personal wiki. I could see outliners. There’s just a bunch of different ways to do it. I don’t think there’s magic in a tool. It’s more the system.
Tom, I thought that one of the ideas I had for this podcast was to say let’s take a look at something, talk people through our way of thinking about this with an example. That’s something that we’ve been thinking about, which is how do we handle our personal KM for this podcast and maybe think a lot about how we improve that.
Tom Mighell: I agree, and I think that what’s interesting about that is that there are three parts to this podcast. We have the main segment, which is the longer topic. We have the B segment, which is a shorter topic, and we have the parting shot, which is something we do on our own. I think that right now, we’re handling the personal knowledge management for each one a little bit differently.
I know that I certainly, I have come to rely upon you as having good brainstorming ideas for the A topic that we do. What are your thoughts, or how are you coming up with that now, and is there something you want to do about that differently in the future in terms of collecting ideas and brainstorming for that?
Dennis Kennedy: It is interesting how that’s what I noticed right away, that we were using different techniques, either both of us, and individually using different techniques on each of these three things.
On the brainstorming side, which I think is the idea collection thing, which to me is a really tricky area because I used to have this feeling or be of the approach that said, if this is a great idea, I won’t forget it. It will keep coming back to me. As I’ve gotten older, I start to doubt that approach.
On brainstorming for me, it’s always mind mapping. I will just say, it’s time. Not that I’m starting to use OmniFocus, I’ve flagged- Just so you know, Tom, you’ll be hearing from me on this, that about every two months, I want to come up with another, say, ten topic ideas for the main topic. I’ll just do that with a mind map, which to me means a piece of paper and I put something in the middle that says podcast ideas. I just try to think of the things that might work for the podcast that I’ve run into. Just try to work at that until I get about ten down.
Then I capture it on to a list which is now going into an Evernote. Then, once I solve my own learning problems, we’ll get that shared on a better basis than we do now. That one really makes sense. For me, that works as a way, as sort of shared Evernote or I think what will become a shared podcast notebook with a note inside that notebook for the A topic as we call it, would work on that approach.
Tom Mighell: I agree. Because it tends to be the area where you would have the, I guess you would call, the bigger ideas, the things that are going to take a little bit longer. I will typically, to the extent that I ever have an idea for the A topic or ever want to contribute something, it’s usually on something that’s been recent in the news. I’m not an OmniFocus user. It just doesn’t right now fit into a system that I want to create. I’m still, again, using Evernote primarily to capture things.
I will say that when it comes to just getting basic ideas for enough the main topic, the A topic, or the B topic which is our something that happened this week or in the past two weeks that has interested us and we want to talk about more, I tend to wind up using my feed reader for that. I’ve got my news reader on my iPad divided up into categories. I head to my technology folder, and I just head down there and see if there are any interesting topics or things that I think are worth looking at.
If I do, if I find something that’s worth looking at, it’s an easy two clicks of a button to share it automatically over to my Evernote account. I can save it directly into an ideas folder and tag it with “podcast ideas” so that I can then go back easily and just do a quick search for podcast ideas, and I come up with all the different articles and ideas that I happen to have. That seems to be working out pretty well from the A and the B standpoint.
When it comes to the parting shots topic, I think that it’s a little bit different. I want to find something new or interesting that catches my eye. Again, I’m using Mr. Reader but using it in a slightly different way. If I see a new app or if I see a new book or something that’s interesting, it’s not really a news topic, but it’s something that would be useful to the people who listen to the podcast, I’m again, saving that to Evernote. Two clicks of a button. It goes right into the, it’s a separate folder, but it’s labeled with “parting shot” so I can then go through and see which do I want to mention for this particular episode. I find that it works pretty well. I don’t have any issues working with that.
Is there anything different that you’re doing that you want to talk about?
Dennis Kennedy: I was going to ask you a question. When you say that the two clicks into Evernote, are you doing the web clipping so you’re taking that and clipping the page that you find and putting that into Evernote? Or are you just taking the idea itself as a note to yourself that you put into Evernote?
Tom Mighell: For me, it’s a little bit different because I do all of my news reading, I use my what used to be Google Reader. Now it’s Feedly that I use to consume all my news by RSS feeds. I use the Mr. Reader app. You can do the same thing with Feedly, with other apps as well. There are other apps that you can- [Readr 00:21:40], I think, is another great app for consuming.
There’s a button, there’s a share button for each story. I’ve configured the share button to, I click one button, and then I press the Evernote button. A box comes up. I can then fill in the tag that I want. It’s designed to go into a specific notebook unless I specify a different one. I can specify a tag if I want to and hit the send button, and it automatically sends that article. It’s, I think a full version, or sometimes a snippet of that article directly to that Evernote account.
I will say if I’m working in my browser, though, the Evernote web clipper is one of the best things ever because it’s so powerful in what it can do. We talked about this in the last episode. I use a number of ways to get stuff in whether it’s sharing in the reader, just emailing things to my Evernote email address, or using the web clipper. Any of those will work just fine.
I think that there are a number of other tools that we’ve talked about, a lot of them have those capabilities as well.
Dennis Kennedy: I think that what I do is, on the B topic, you’re right. We’re just looking for something that we’ve been thinking about or we just want to talk about it a little bit or something new in the news. I like your idea there of, because I was thinking of a if this, then that thing so when I start something in Feedly, it would throw it into Evernote and then I could go look at it. I like your thing of, because generally I do not like the forcing me to assign it to something or to tag it before I enter it. I tend to fall down on that, and so in Google Bookmarks, I really fall down on that as well with one exception that I’ll talk about in a second. I think there’s something good in there.
The B topic thing, I think you’re right. That’s a tagging or a flagging, but that’s typically where you and I get in touch by email and saying what do you think? That’s a little bit easier, I think, to do. Flagging a few ideas to say, here’s three ideas for this episode might be a good thing.
On the parting shots, what I do is, I do one of two things. If I think about it and I’ve found something that I want to talk about that I can do in Google Bookmarks, I do have a tag that says “parting shots.” I’ll go back and I’ll look at that and see if there’s something. Those tend to get a little bit out of date because often what I’ll do, and same as what I did for the parting shot in this episode, is something I think of on the morning that we record. I say I’d like to mention that.
Because a lot of times I’m talking about podcasts. I’ll mention a podcast in a parting shot. For me, that’s just such a difficult area because there’s no really good way to flag that stuff and make it usable and then the URLs and stuff are really hard on that stuff. That becomes a really tricky thing.
I think that listeners hearing how we do it now and thinking if we use that Evernote framework to put things in, then we would be collecting things in three notes or probably one notebook, three notes into it. We could look at it and then if we shared it, we’d actually be in a much better place, Tom, I think with the podcast than we are right now.
Tom Mighell: I agree with that. That was exactly what I was going to suggest is that we need to- We’ve shared notebooks in Evernote before, but we just haven’t made the use of them that we probably should. I think that’s a good idea for us to do moving forward.
I guess to take us out of this particular segment, what are your best tips? My only best suggestion for it is what I mentioned before which is find the tool that works for you. What are your personal requirements for a personal knowledge management tool? What do you need to make it successful? Use Dennis’s article from ten years ago. It’s still very fresh, and it works very well. Decide whether those things work for you, and then go out and find the tool that meets those capabilities. If you’ve got a tool that you like better than Evernote or something that you think works really well, then give us a holler on Twitter or on the blog or some other place. We’d love to talk about it more with you.
Dennis Kennedy: We’re always looking for new ideas. I think the main thing is be who you are. If you’re an outline person- If the outline tools today allow you to do a lot, and the fact that you can include URLs, you can clip material into it, you can do all these sorts of things. As Tom mentioned, somebody’s doing all this cool stuff with research in a spreadsheet. I think if you get really close to how you actually do things, then you can make this work for you.
My other tip is to say, what use do you need to get out of the stuff that you’re collecting? If you can get a good sense of that, then I think the tool will start to fall into place. Then also your system, improving the system, which is the real key to this, will start to come along. Don’t expect success on the first time. I think this is a constantly evolving thing. As I said, I worry a little bit about the tools changing so fast as well.
Tom Mighell: I see a B topic in our future reporting back on our success with using Evernote as a podcast preparation tool .
Before we move on to our next segment, let’s take a quick break for a message from our sponsor.
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Tom Mighell: Now let’s get back to the Kennedy-Mighell Report. I’m Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: I’m Dennis Kennedy. Google’s Google I/O 2014 conference just ended, and it generated a lot of coverage on the web. This developer conference gives us some insights into what Google is planning to do in the future. That includes things like wearables, cars, and TV, which were definitely on the radar. Actually there’s a lot of attention on both what was and what wasn’t mentioned. I think the sheer volume of announcements really caught our attention. Tom, you’ve become our Android expert. What got you to want to talk about this topic, and what do you want to highlight?
Tom Mighell: What got my attention first was the fact that the keynote announcing all the new stuff was two-and-a-half hours. Who could sit there for two-and-a-half hours to listen to stuff? It just blows me away that they would talk about it. They did. They talked about a ton of stuff, a ton of new things. They’re going to roll out some cheap smart phones for other parts of the world, where you can buy an Android phone for under $100.
They’ve developed something that they’ve called material design. They want to unify the Android approach no matter what platform you’re on, so whether you’re looking on a phone or on a tablet or on a Chromebook in a browser somewhere, it’s all going to look the same. It’s going to have that unified design to it.
They’re getting ready to roll out a new operating system in the fall. For the first time, it appears they’re not going to be using the dessert theme, so this will just be called Android L because they’re up to L in the alphabet. They have a number of new features that include better multi-tasking, better search, better battery life, a kill switch that you can remotely wipe your phone if you lose it. They’ve entered that smart phone wearable market doing there own smart watches, the smart watch wearable market doing their own smart watches.
They’re going to be in your car now with Android Auto. They’re following along with Apple introducing itself into a lot of cars this coming year. Then Android TV as well, which, again, is very similar to Apple TV, a set-top box that you can stream movies, TV, music, all sorts of entertainment from that.
Those were, to me, the big highlights. It was not terribly exciting. It’s good to see improvements in things and changing some things, making them more interesting and evolving. I didn’t really see anything terribly revolutionary that just got me all [agoggle 00:30:41] or anything like that.
Dennis, maybe we talk about some of the surprising things that weren’t discussed at Google I/O that you may have noticed.
Dennis Kennedy: I read a number of comments, and there was some discussion about indications that Google was going to try to pull people more, I don’t know whether lock in is the right work, but more strongly into the Android world a la Apple and the iOS world. That was interesting.
Any time that Google extends the zone that it covers, then you just are really struck by the sheer amount of information and data they’re going to have access to. Keeping in mind Google is an advertising company, that makes you think.
The one think that really struck me, though, was, and maybe in fairness, that this is an Android developers conference, but there’s a two-and-a-half hour keynote, Tom. It is interesting to think about what wasn’t talked about. The one that caught my attention was Google+. You have all these different announcements, and you would expect them to tie into Google+, but, because the indication was a year or two ago that Google+ was really where Google was going.
To not have it really mentioned at all does make you think because Google does have that tendency to, if things aren’t going exactly the way they want with these things, they don’t mind pulling products and product lines. What I saw confirms a lot of the trends that we’re expecting. Wearables, cars, TV. It’s worth taking a look at what’s out there and what’s not out there. Gives you something to think about.
Tom Mighell: I think that one of the reasons why Google+ wasn’t mentioned may have something to do with the fact that the founder or the person who was responsible for bringing Google+ out to market has left the company. Ever since he left, there seems to have been a lack of enthusiasm for it, which is interesting that they would undertake such an effort to generate such a large audience and then just leave it stagnant there. I hope that’s not the case because I think that there is a place for Google+, and it is a valuable tool. I hope that’s not happened.
The one other thing that is very surprising to me was that I read an article that not only was Google Glass not mentioned at all during the keynote, but not one person on stage wore Google Glass which I would have expected, that if it’s a tool that Google’s putting out that having a computer for your face is the way of the future, I would have thought that at least one or two people would use it to get information, to see their presentation. The fact that no one used it, I think, was fairly telling.
It could be because Glass has gotten a lot of bad publicity in the past year with people realizing that that guy or that lady has a camera that’s pointed at me. I have no idea whether they’re taking a movie or a picture of me, although you can tell. It lights up when that happens. Generating a lot of distrust and cynicism.
I think it may also be due to the fact, and some of the articles I’ve read back this up, that maybe Google is recognizing that having a computer on your face is not the next move. The next move is putting it on your wrist, and then that helps people move to the computer that’s on your face. Maybe they’re taking a step back. By introducing a new smart watch, they’re recognizing that maybe Google Glass’s time is not exactly right now.
Dennis Kennedy: It’s funny, you reminded me that this morning at brunch I had to- It’s the first time in a long time I had an actual sighting of someone wearing Google Glass. I’m still not convinced it makes you look cool.
Now it’s time for our parting shots, our one tip, website, or observation that you can use the second this podcast ends. Tom, take it away.
Tom Mighell: My parting shot comes from one of the comments to the Copyblogger podcast show notes that we’ve been discussing in the first segment. Somebody had mentioned using a site called Vellum, V-E-L-L-U-M. The website is It’s the New York Times that has actually rolled this tool out, and it’s designed to create a Twitter reading list for you.
What it does is it connects to your Twitter account. It goes and looks at all the tweets that you’ve received from the people that you follow, and it strips out the links. It just gives you a reading list of links if you don’t want to pay attention to what they’re saying. If you just want to see and read the stuff that they’re getting to, Vellum is a really interesting tool that just gives you the links. Then you can go and read those articles.
The one thing is doesn’t have is something we talk about all the time. How to get that information to other places. I’d love to be able to send that to my Pocket account or to Evernote or to some place else. Right now, Vellum is its self-contained area, and it does really have a way to save anything. I hope they improve upon that because I think it’s a really nice feature but Vellum. V-E-L-L-U-M.
Dennis Kennedy: When I have another podcast, the one thing that lawyers are notoriously bad at is investments, possibly because we think we know everything. We always learn that it’s the rare lawyer that’s really good at investing and keeping up with that. I really recommend Consuelo Mack’s WealthTrack podcast. She’s in the PBS family, but this is just going to be WealthTrack,
It’s a great interview podcast with financial people and investment people. It’s a great way to keep up with what’s, not just specific investments, but what’s going on in the economy. Trends. Different approaches. There’s a great conservative approach to investing that I think suits lawyers well.
She’s doing this really cool thing lately with the focus on issues that relate specifically to women, which is what the newest podcast is about, which is terrific in a lot of ways. For those of you who are not too afraid to invest money these days in this market, this is a nice half-hour way each week to get the opinions of people who really know what’s going on out there.
Tom Mighell: That wraps it up for this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report. Thanks for joining us on the podcast. Information on how to get in touch with us as well as links to all the topics we discussed is available on our show notes blog at
If you like what you hear, please subscribe to our podcast in iTunes or from the Legal Talk Network site. You can get to the archives of all of our previous podcasts in both places as well.
If you have a question that you want answered or a topic that you’d like us to discuss on an upcoming podcast, please email us at or sent us a tweet. I’m @TomMighell and Dennis is @DennisKennedy. Until the next podcast, I’m Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: I’m Dennis Kennedy. You’ve been listening to the Kennedy-Mighell Report, a podcast on legal technology with an Internet focus. Help us out by rating this podcast or writing a review on iTunes.
Thanks for listening to the Kennedy Mighell Report. Check out Dennis and Tom’s book, The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together from ABA Books or Amazon.
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Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell talk the latest technology to improve services, client interactions, and workflow.