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Lawyer 2 Lawyer

Episode of the Month

Environmental Law Series: Sackett v. EPA, Water, & Wetlands

Professor Jody Freeman discusses SCOTUS' Sackett v. EPA ruling, and its impact on the EPA's powers, Clean Water Act protections, and the regulation of wetlands.

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Staff Favorites

ABA TECHSHOW 2024 – A Preview from the Co-Chairs

TECHSHOW will be here before we know it, and there’s no time like the present to get your tickets! To get...

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The Unique Experience of a Justice-Impacted Law Student

After a criminal pays their debt to society, should they continue to suffer additional consequences for their crime for the rest...

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Nothing New Under the Sun—So What’s New in Tech?

Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are busily announcing their latest products, and Dennis and Tom are a little underwhelmed. But, rather...

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#471: Unleashing Your Inner Creative, with Phil McKinney

Let’s bust a myth: Creativity isn’t an innate talent that you’re lucky to have or out of luck if you don’t. ...

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(New) Order In The Court? A Focus On Judicial Ethics And Bias

Ethical questions at the nation’s highest court are fueling a renewed focus on judicial ethics. How can bias and perception tilt...

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A New Era of Advertising; Perfecting Workplace Communication; and “A Rose By Any Other Name”

Whether there’s a generational divide, unhelpful technology, a lack of emotional intelligence, or, really, a whole bunch of other issues—communication is...

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